Internship Mobile is a one-year, travel-based leadership development program where people get sent to three different Every Nation churches and campus ministries throughout the world. There they will have the opportunity to serve the local community and share the Gospel with those in need.
Spreading the Gospel to Every Nation in the world
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Every Nation is a worldwide family of churches and ministries that exists to honour God by establishing Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.
Our Mission & Vision
What is the Internship Mobile program?
Internship Mobile is a one-year, travel-based leadership development program where people get sent all over the world to different Every Nation churches and campus ministries. There they will have the opportunity to serve the local community and share the Gospel with those in need.
What can I expect?
You will be challenged. You will have to take risks. As you step out in faith you are going to be exposed to the wonder and awe of God and experience all that the nations have to offer. Together you will explore the heart of God and His church, your own heart, and the heart of the nations!
INTERnship mobile Program
We start off the year with an extensive training program where we will ensure that you are developed in areas such as leadership, discipleship, finances, and cross-cultural missions, to prepare you to go to the nations. You will serve in a local church during training and spend time making disciples locally. After home base training the team will head to their 1st destination for the year. You will serve Every Nation churches and campus plants by ministering the Gospel to different cultures and religions, serving those in need, and starting discipleship groups. You will be challenged. You will have to take risks. As you step out in faith you are going to be exposed to the wonder and awe of God and experience all that the nations have to offer.
Post Explore Program
After this year you might start studying, pursue a secular career or you might feel called to step into vocational ministry as a full-time missionary or church planter. Whatever your decision and next step in life may be, you will feel equipped and empowered to live your God-given calling to make disciples wherever you go. This is one year that will impact your life for eternity, so we want to invite you to come with us to the nations.
Where to next?
Explore Routes
Video Library
What is the structure of the 2022 routes?
This is only a provisional structure; thus, changes could still take place:
09 Jan – 19 Mrch | 10weeks Training
20 Mrch – 28 May | 10 weeks Vanderbijlpark
29 May – 04 June | 1 week Base
05 June – 14 Aug | 10 weeks Uganda
15 Aug – 29 Aug | 2 weeks Base
30Aug – 08 Nov | 10 weeks Ireland
09 Nov – 26 Nov | European holiday
27 Nov – 09 Dec | Base
When will the final itinerary be available?
How many teams are there?
How many team members will there be?
We will have a team of a minimum of 4 and maximum of 6 members (including the team leaders). We will try to ensure that the ratio of men and women in the team is very close to 50/50.
Where will the teams go to?
The teams will travel to different Every Nation churches across the world. In 2022 we will mainly focus on countries in Europe and Africa.
What is the purpose of EXPLORE?
The heart behind EXPLORE is to create a platform, where young people, who are passionate about God, can come to be exposed to nations, missions, and church planting. We are expectant to see leaders being raised through this travel-based discipleship program. We believe God wants to raise a generation of pioneers who are willing to lay down their lives and give up everything to see God’s will being done in the nations. We want to create a safe environment for young leaders to go out into the world and have their hearts being transformed as God trains them while they travel by faith through different nations.
What kind of people are you looking for?
People who love God and are passionate to see His will being done here on earth. Anyone who has an appetite for adventure and who is willing to step out of their comfort zone, to be stretched and challenged physically, emotionally and spiritually so that character can be built, and faith arise.
How do I raise finances?
Finances are many times the one factor that stops many people from doing what they feel called to do. We hear God’s call, but when we see the amount of money that we will need, we step back and lose faith. God will never call us to do something if He will not enable us to do it. God’s grace gives us supernatural power to do the very things that He asks of us. Just as God provides the opportunity for you to come on an experience like this, you must have faith that He will also provide financially. When raising funds for missions we give people the incredible opportunity to be part of something greater than them. Many people would love to be more involved in ministry and missions, and allowing them to partner with you, by blessing you financially, you give them the opportunity to sow into God’s Kingdom and play a part in spreading the Gospel all over the world. We all play different roles in missions. Some pray, some give, and some go. It is possible for some people to do all three. But those who cannot go to other nations can still take part in international missions by praying and giving.
So, when raising the finances, pray and ask God for specific people with whom you can go and share the vision. Remember that you are not going to beg for money, but rather, you are giving them the opportunity to become part of a vision and mission that is bigger than you and them. So, when they give you finances, they are not just partnering with you, but with the bigger picture and vision.
Go out and ask people with boldness. The worst they can say to you, is no. Pray about who you should phone to go and set up appointments to see about finances. Trust and know that God prepares people’s hearts and that He owns more than enough riches to provide for you.
How will we travel?
We will use different modes of transport. Airplanes, busses, trains, taxi’s, tuk-tuk’s or whatever transportation is cheapest and will help us to get where we need to be. We will always try to use the simplest, cheapest, and easiest transport available to us.
What should I pack?
Packing List and Equipment will be sent to you once you have been accepted. We will also give you great advice at the briefing weekend that will take place in November, so that you have enough time to get what you need before training.
What does the budget include and exclude?
Most of the expenses for the year are included, namely: travel costs (trains, busses, taxi’s, etc.); flight tickets; food; lodging; ministry expenses; training and debrief. The things that are not included in the budget is the cost of travelling to and from the start and end of the journey; visas; travel insurance; medical insurance; communications; entry into unplanned sights; spending money; vaccinations, etc. Please remember and take note that this year is not a holiday with extravagant living and big spending. We want to encourage a life of simplistic living and cultivate a lifestyle that honours God by living in faith and depending on God. We will ALWAYS choose the cheapest transport, accommodation, food etc. Do not expect a year of comfort or luxury and fancy transport, accommodation, or food.
Do I have to raise all the finances before training starts?
Once you are accepted, we will expect you to meet the financial requirements with different financial goals at different times, as stipulated below:
- Before 1 January of the year of your expedition, you must pay a deposit of 40%, to purchase flight tickets and to cover the cost for training and administration.
- Before 1 March, the cut-off amount of 60% must be paid.
- Before 1 June, the cut-off amount of 75% must be paid.
- Before 10 September, the full amount must be paid.
- Each member will be held accountable to pay the full amount as agreed upon in the budget.
- We are here to support you in raising these funds. We believe that raising these funds forms part of the journey that God wants to take us on during the year. This will stretch you, but it is also a great opportunity to build your faith as you see how God provides in miraculous ways.
Will I be responsible for my own VISAS?
The application of visas will be done together as a group during the training period. You will however have to cover the costs of the visas yourself. We will inform you during the briefing weekend how much you will need to budget for visas for your specific route.
Will I be responsible to book my own flight tickets?
No. The administration team will book all the flights for the team together during training in January.
How will we book accommodation for the year?
We will stay with our local churches, backpackers, cheap hotels or Air BnB.
Can parents and family come and visit during the year?
Yes. But there will be a specific time in June/July that parents and families can come and visit. The specific time and place/country will be communicated during training.
What preparations do I need to do before training?
After you have been accepted, you can focus on the following things in the months leading
up to the journey.
● Signing of indemnity form and sending it to us
● Vaccinations and medical requirements
● Raise financial partnership
● Recruit prayer partnership team
● Pray and fast
● Start on-line training
● Join Briefing Weekend/Day
● Print at least 12 colour Passport Photos of yourself
● Vaccinations and medical requirements
● Pay 40% deposit before end of month
● Personal research on travelling around the world
● Preparations for packing list
● Continue on-line training
● International drivers license (not compulsory)
● Communication with financial and prayer partners
● Finalizing packing list
● Copy all documents and authenticate them
● Write first newsletter to all your partners, friends and family
● Finish on-line training
Where will we stay during training and debrief?
Training will take place at the Every Nation Centre Tshwane.
750 Farm road, Equestria.
What are the passport requirements?
Your passport needs to have at least 15 clean pages available and must be valid for at least 6 months after the end of the route.
What vaccinations will I need to get?
Some countries require that a person on entering show proof of vaccination against Yellow Fever. You need to get the necessary vaccination and proof (Yellow card) thereof at your local travel clinic before coming to training in Pretoria in 2022. All of the other vaccinations will also be indicated on the Yellow Fever Card, with expiry dates, etc.
You must please get the following vaccinations:
● Yellow Fever (Compulsory)
● Hepatitis A and B
● Tetanus
● Typhoid
Malaria is also very common in some of the countries we will visit and your doctor or travel-
clinic should be able to advise you on what prevention will be best for you. You can wait
until you receive the final itinerary for this.
What will happen during training?
● Every Nation Orientation
● Growing in your relationship with God
● Equipping you to evangelize, preach, make disciples etc.
● Team building
● Practical Outreach
● World Religions and cross-cultural missions training.
Should I take a phone and a laptop?
As you will be ministering, communicating with friends, family and partners it would be an asset to have a laptop during the year. It is not compulsory, however. You should a have a phone during the year.
How often will I be able to use my phone etc?
When there is Wi-Fi where you will be able to use your phone. If you buy a local sim card and airtime you will be able to use it anywhere. Please note that if you do not get a local sim card but use roaming, you will have massive financial bills.
How will parents be able to follow where we are and receive updates on how the team is doing?
Do I need to take personal spending money?
Personal spending money is not included in the budget for your journey. This would include things like internet, laundry, buying a cup of coffee or ice cream every now and then.
Foreign Exchange kiosks and banks are regularly available, so if you are travelling with cash (Dollars, Euros, etc.) they are easily transferable. All participants are advised to make use of a debit/credit card and withdraw money in each country you visit, as needed. Please find out from your local bank whether you will be able to do international transactions with your card, before you go. Usually most cards with a 4 digit pin will be accepted internationally. VISA cards are usually more reliable to use internationally than Mastercard or Maestro. Remember that when you withdraw money from an ATM in a foreign country, the machine will only dispense local currency. Make sure that your next of kin (like your father, mother, uncle etc.) also get signatory rights on your personal banking accounts, if you decide to take a debit card on the expedition. In case a banking or financial problem occurs, it will be much easier for them to take care of the problem back home with the local bank if they have all the legal rights over the banking account.
How old should I be to join an Explore route?
The primary target group for our Explore routes are people aged between 18-35 years old. But if you are older than 35 and really feel a calling and desire to join an explore route, you are welcome to apply and then we will discuss your application accordingly.
Will we be able to socialize with friends and family and see them often during training?
No. During training the team will live and stay together on Every Nation Centre property at our training base. This is to make the team used to being together all the time (24/7). No one will be allowed to go to any social or family events unless it is a wedding or funeral of a close family member. Even during off times, we will ask the team to socialize and spend time with other team members instead of going to hang out with other friends or family. There will be a few days that you will be allowed to go home to see your family, after training is finished and before we fly out to our first country, but we advise that you say most of your goodbyes (especially with friends) before training.
Explore Allumni
Previous Explorerers

Amike De Villiers
South Africa

Robbie Steenkamp
South Africa

Andrew Nel
South Africa

Botlhe Phuthologo

Peace Byengonzi

Paula Morkel

Jennifer Marumo