The Ministry Internship program forms part of the Regional Leadership track;
through which we want to see ministers identified and raised as leaders with
a hunger to impact the nations for the Glory of Jesus. We are convicted by
Ephesians 4 where God defines the purpose of the 5-fold ministry in a short
paragraph, to “equip the saints for ministry.”
Spreading the Gospel to Every Nation in the world
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20
Every Nation is a worldwide family of churches and ministries that exists to honour God by establishing Christ-centred, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.
To plant Christ-centered, Spirit Empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in the key educational, cultural and business centres in Africa, Europe and beyond, we need high-capacity leaders. The Ministry Internship exists as a starting point in identifying and equipping leaders for effective ministry. Using a multi-channel approach including classroom, and cultural experiences while actively ministering and building in your local ministry context helps to build theologically sound but practically equipped leaders.
Ministry Internship is a 2-year program that tests and builds your call to vocational ministry as well as your leadership capacity. The course is completed in your local church context, but if you would so choose, in the nations as part of our Global or Mobile Every Nation initiatives. It is designed to serve people and the local church for future vocational ministry, empowering leaders in all fundamental areas of ministry. The core curriculum is divided into four areas:
Churches that raise interns through this program can be confident that each student will be comprehensively equipped. There is significant input through; L215, book readings, practical
ministry, mentorship, discipleship and missions.
• Certainty of Vocational Ministry Calling: Many men and women sense a call to vocational ministry but lack certainty. The Internship structure includes practical ministry involvement, mentoring, an academic curriculum and an assessment that is designed to help Ministry Interns and their leaders; get to a place of personal conviction about their personal ministry call – whether it be vocational or marketplace ministry.
• Exposure to Every Nation Ministry values, practices and structures: To ensure that our Ministry Interns understand that specific ministry areas synergize with many other ministries to form a healthy effective church. Also that our churches form part of a greater whole Regionally and Internationally.
• Identify Specific Ministry Calling: Men and women who have certainty about their vocational ministry calling in Every Nation are provided with training, mentoring and teaching while they serve in a specific ministry assignment to purposefully test their specific ministry calling.
• Leadership assessment and development: They will be given specific leadership responsibilities where they can grow and learn how to build and lead ministry teams. Their leadership will be assessed based on proven ministry leadership principles and will be given constructive feedback to help them develop and grow as a leader.

When do I start?
You start at the beginning of the new year. Some churches may allow you to start through out the year.
Where is the Internship based?
Most of the major cities in Southern Africa have an Internship program. You are welcome to apply with any church that has such a program.
How old should I be to join an Explore route?
The primary target group for the Internship is people aged between 18-35 years old. But if you are older than 35 and really feel a calling to vocational ministry, you are welcome to apply and then we will discuss your application accordingly.
Can I do Internship part time?
The Internship program is a full 40-hour-a-week program.
Where will the teams go to?
The teams will travel to different Every Nation churches across the world. In 2022 we will mainly focus on countries in Europe and Africa.
How long is the Internship?
The Internship is 2 years long but may be extended to 3 years by the senior leader of the church or if an Internship Global or Internship Mobile Year is done as well.
Will I be paid a salary as an Intern?
Interns are expected to raise a team of Ministry Partners that will financially partner with them on a monthly basis in order for the to receive a salary. It is in our context a foundational aspect of our call to ministry; as it tests the conviction of our call while building our faith and obedience to God.
You will receive training and coaching at the beginning of your Internship to raise Ministry Partnership.
Will I be responsible for all my ministry expenses?
Yes. All your travel, training and other ministry expences need to be covered by your Ministry Partnership.
Is this a GAP year?
The internship program is not a GAP year program, but a program for people that wishes to explore a vocational call to ministry.
What are the passport requirements?
Your passport needs to have at least 15 clean pages available and must be valid for at least 4 years from the start of your Internship as you will be sent on various international missions.
Can I do it while studying
No. This is comprehensive 40 hour a week training program.
What will happen during training?
The training will be holistic, but some of the primary focuses will be:
● Every Nation Orientation
● Growing in your relationship with God
● Equipping you to evangelize, preach, make disciples etc.
● Theological Training
● Practical Counselling
● Missions and Missions Leaders Training
What preparations do I need to do before training?
You will need to register for a Ministry Partnership training by November the year before you start your Internship. During December before you start, you will need to read “The God Ask” which you will receive as part of your registration for the MP training and complete a book report. You will also be given videos to watch on the theology of MP and complete the worksheets for those videos.
What vaccinations will I need to get?
Some countries you might travel to require that a person show proof of vaccination against Yellow Fever. The following will then also be optional:
● Hepatitis A and B
● Tetanus
● Typhoid
Malaria is also very common in some of the countries you might visit and your doctor or travel clinic should be able to advise you on what prevention will be best for you.
What kind of people are you looking for?
People who love God and are passionate to see His will being done here on earth. Anyone who has an appetite for adventure and who is willing to step out of their comfort zone, to be stretched and challenged physically, emotionally and spiritually so that character can be built, and faith arise.